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Blueridge BR-70 - Rate and Review

Rate The Blueridge BR-70
 5 - Best Blueridge I ever played
 4 - Highly recommend the BR-70
 3 - Good Blueridge, give it a try
 2 - Did the job, nothing special
 1 - Save your money, forget the BR70

Blueridge BR-70 Reviews
Name or Forum username: whono
Date: 12/16/11
Review: Blueridge BR-70
Rating you give the Blueridge BR70: 4 - Highly recommend it

Likes: This is a fine players guitar, the neck was good out of the box, you can play barres on the tenth fret, very playable. The sound is even and loud, not the best bass I ever heard, but certainly good enough...trebles are as good as it gets. It's a good fingerstyle guitar. The finish is fantastic, whatever kind it is, you can bang the hell out of it and it doesn't chip or crack, which is a real plus for me, not to have to worry about dinging it up when traveling. I have several old Guilds, which I love, but this is the guitar that I play outside the house with. It's a copy of the Martin d45, and looks great, the abalone and purfling very well executed, the "Brazilian" laminated sides and back are very appealing. Very well crafted with no flaws...the Chinese do make some fine instruments. The gold plating on the tuners is fairly substantial, hasn't worn through in three years of playing. Comes with bone nut and saddle.

Dislikes: Bridge pins are a little chintzy, easily replaced, pickguard has a raggedy edge, should be beveled on a guitar in this price tuners are a little stiff sometimes no big deal.

Name: craig alexy
Date: 03/17/2010
Review: blueridge br-70
Rating you give the Blueridge BR70: 5 - Best thing I ever bought

Likes: the guitar is beautiful. bookends are top notch, LOUD RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX. Now has LIFETIME WARRANTY!

Dislikes: none yet.

Additional Comments: I owned a br-70 for three years it was stolen, I JUST BOUGHT ANOTHER ONE TO REPLACE IT. Sound is awesome. HIGHLY RECCOMMENDED

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