Polishing Your Acoustic Guitar
- The most important piece of information to remember is to use a non-abrasive, soft cloth like Planet Waves Micro Fiber Cloth. No paper towels or old T-shirts.
- Next, test the product on a small area of the guitar. Somewhere that may be hidden. Put the product on the cloth, then smooth onto your guitar. Try to use a silicone-free polish, such as Lizard Spit Guitar Polish, Planet Waves Restore, Martin Guitar Polish.
- To keep your guitar in the best shape possible, try to wipe your guitar down after every use. By doing so, you will actually be polishing it as well.
- Be sure to clean underneath the strings. It may seem difficult, but try to at least remove the dust that has collected. You may also want to experiment with wiping down your strings after every use. Some say it may extend tonal life.
- Finally, do not forget about the fingerboard. Apply a fretboard conditioner like Lizard Spit Fretboard Conditioner or Planet Waves Hydrate three to four times a year. The oil will clean and moisturize the wood safely. Simply, apply the oil to a soft cloth and wipe down your board. Wait a few seconds and clear off any excess oil with a separate soft cloth.
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