If you are the originator of a song:
1. Locate a YouTube video of the song you want to play.
2. Listen to that video in headphones or earbuds, and play/sing along with it.
3. Record your performance with the best camera/mic you can find. Smartphones are great, and webcams work too. If you do it correctly, your performance will be captured but the YouTube video you monitored will not be audible to us. You're just using YouTube as a click track/reference.
4. Post your video on Maury's Facebook page, OR your Facebook wall, with Maury tagged and tell everyone exactly which YouTube video we should all use as the same reference. Email Maury@MaurysMusic.com if you suspect he hasn't seen your post. Maury will "screen record" your video, and he'll take it from there.
5. If you see another musician asking how to do this, please point them towards this "how to" page.
6. Share this link everywhere. :) https://www.maurysmusic.com/maury_s_blog/view/190251/social_distant_sing_
If you are adding your part to a song someone else posted:
1. Find the YouTube video that the original performer monitored while making their video OR simply use their video ... whichever version you're more comfortable with.
2. Listen to that video in headphones or earbuds, and play/sing along with it.
3. Record your performance with the best camera/mic you can find. Smartphones are great, and webcams work too. If you do it correctly, your performance will be captured but the YouTube video you monitored will not be audible to us. You're just using YouTube as a click track/reference.
4. Post your video on Maury's Facebook page, OR your Facebook wall, with Maury tagged. Email Maury@MaurysMusic.com if you suspect he hasn't seen your post. Maury will "screen record" your video, and he'll take it from there.
5. If you see another musician asking how to do this, please point them towards this "how to" page.
6. Share this link everywhere. :) https://www.maurysmusic.com/maury_s_blog/view/190251/social_distant_sing_
NOTE: The software we're using allows for 6 video channels and 6 audio channels. If you'd like to be including in a project that already has 6 videos on-screen, we'll hear you but we won't see you. For example, "Wagon Wheel" looks like it's headed for 12 people -and fast. :D